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    Monday 6 February

    As time passes, you figure out the flow of each others work and the schedule of the week.  Monday to Wednesday is fairly routine and Thursday to Sunday has its moments of routine, but is fairly unpredictable.  Monday was another routine day of school in the morning, lunch, major cleaning of the villa, one on one classes, and close out the day with a dinner and bible study.  The reason for the lack of a boring or unproductive Monday is the people who show up for these sessions and bible study.  They challenge and ask us questions that we stow away and hope to never have to answer.  Questions like Why does God allow suffering?  Why is my faith alive and not existent in the very same day?  Why would God love me?  The questions can be answered by book, chapter, and verse or by your personal experiences, but that is not what listeners want to hear.  They have to search and find the answers for themselves.  The beautiful thing with most people who are asking these questions are seeking God, without even realizing it.  The attitude of I am failing and starting to question God which translate to I am not a faithful follower is wrong to state.  We will never understand God, He tells us that.  I strongly believe if you ask questions like those examples, you are searching to know God and strengthening your faith.  That is exactly what God wants us to do. 

    In Brotherly Love,



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