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    Flickr Photo Website

    It snowed last night and it is freezing.  The temperature was -17 Celsius, which is about 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning.  The weather became warmer as the day progressed.  I just wanted to let everyone know that I have created an account on flickr.com to post photos.  Right now, I just put up 8 random photos or 30 minute walk I took and 1 photo of the view we had on the snow day today.  I will put up another post later tonight, but I just wanted to make everyone aware and the website is http://www.flickr.com/photos/pbavanti/ 

    It is currently unorganized, but I will have pictures of my walk from The Bible School to the Language School in Florence by the end of the week.  Things have slowed done the past 24 hours for the School, because of the snow.  Italians can't handle snow, because it snows maybe once a year.  The entire team has caught on many items with the newsletter and sharing photos.  So, I should have photos that have been taken so far up on this website as well.  I will always give you notifications on both email and here on when I put up a new folder of photos.

    In Brotherly Love,



    1. Thanks for keeping us updated. I look forward the pics and other blogs.



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