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    Tuesday April 10

    God's rules and commands on life has been very visible in these recent weeks.  An example of someone drinking until he passes out.  This can create many negative consequences and scar family members, kids, and friends.  As an observer, you have many emotions about this person and the choice of heavily drinking that person makes.  Many people detest this person or feel sorry for that person.  It is pretty clear example of why God commands us to not be drunkards.  What about a person who gossips.  People with foul mouths.

    Romans 1:29-30, "They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;"

    Psalms 34:12-14, "12 Whoever of you loves life
       and desires to see many good days,
    13 keep your tongue from evil
       and your lips from telling lies.
    14 Turn from evil and do good;
       seek peace and pursue it."

    Whose looked upon by society in a worse way?  The drunkard, but their are many verses talking about how evil are mouths can be.  There are big consequences for those who have evil tongues.  God teaches us these things to not do for our sake, not to be controlling.

    In Brotherly Love,



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