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    Post for Wednesday 25

    This thought came from a session I sat in Wednesday with an Italian student.  Please read Genesis chapter 2 and 3 to fully appreciate the context of the message.  We were comparing Gen 2:25, which says "Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame and Gen 3:7 "At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness.  So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves." The teammate of mine leading the session asked, What changed and what is the significance of this?  She replied, "They were naked, but now clothed and it is very interesting metaphor between good and evil.  In the Renaissance Era, the people who are painted naked are generally symbolizing their goodness and openness in the painting, and those whom are clothed are hiding something dark and evil.  The paintings relate to what the story is saying."  This is an Italian who grew up in Art and Literature, and will always relate stories in the Bible to her upbringing.  WE ALL DO IT.  But, the wonderful thing to see is she nailed it.  In my mind, I related the nakedness to their innocence and free of sin and guilt; being clothed was hiding their sinful ways, guilt, and shame.  Which is exactly what the student was saying, but through her knowledge.

    I encourage you to think of what this passage is saying, because there are other BIG lessons God is telling us in these first few chapters.

    In Brotherly Love,



    1. The connection between faith and art is certainly greater in Italy. Our tradition hasn't placed much importance on the connection at all, but your reader has obviously learned some spiritual things from art!



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